Monday, March 17, 2014

JoeTheBathroomDude for the Atlanta Science Festival



                By Kent R Burks

        For the 
Altanta Science Festival
Try this…
hold up your thumb on one hand and point your Index finger from the other hand at the thumb…now switch fingers quickly. Impossible??
       That’s Science.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Atlanta Science Festival

Atlanta Science Festival


 Its science!

     On March 22nd - 29th, 2014, The Menzclub will be attending at the Atlanta Science Festival. 

     The Atlanta Science Festival envisions a community of scientifically literate citizens and a strong STEM workforce in Atlanta. That vision begins with efforts to engage our youth in learning inside and outside the classroom. The initiatives below accompany many school programs offered by our partners and listed online. Imagine the future. What are the unanswered questions in science? What are the unsolved problems facing our community? How can young people envision themselves addressing the challenges of our future with STEM knowledge and careers? Classroom visits. STEM professionals will visit 100 local classrooms to give students a taste of how science is done, who scientists are, and what questions remain unanswered. Sponsored by Mercer University and Mercer Health Science Center.

TAG-Ed Middle School WEBChallenge. Student teams compete to design a website that identifies how STEM knowledge and careers can address future challenges. Winners receive postsecondary scholarships presented by the Technology Association of Georgia Education Collaborative [TAG-Ed]. Including a Broader Community. Thirty schools and organizations received bus vouchers to bring their groups to the March 29th Expo at Centennial Park. Sponsored by the Emory College
                                                                            Center for Science Education.

Celebrating Our Teachers. ASF honors the daily contribution teachers make to prepare our future STEM leaders with educator appreciation events at the Michael C. Carlos Museum, and professional development workshops by Captain Planet Foundation, Georgia Tech CEISMC, Southern Polytechnic State University, and Metropolitan RESA.
Let’s see….there will be [ education, enthusiasm, engagement, events and expo ], all in Centennial Park, downtown ATL. Curious?    Then why not try something new? Most events are open to the public for free where you may have a chance to shape the future buy racing in a Nerdy Derby, learn about the Nano World or explore the stars. Join for Atlanta’s biggest interactive science celebration. Meet local scientists and engineers! Touch a brain! Crawl into an inflatable planetarium! Climb aboard the Bio-Bus and the STE(A)M Truck! Recycle with Captain Planet!

With more than 100 interactive science booths and shows from local organizations, universities and companies, we’ll be showing off Atlanta Science with hands-on activities and demonstrations from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Exploration Expo on March 29th. So join us for fun and learning at the Atlanta Science Festival, for updates, tickets, and more info, more visit See you there!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Male Pattern Baldness [Alopecia]


I have seen it effect the young,..guys who are in their growing prime, fresh out of college, 20-25 yrs old, with a fairly decent diet.    I have seen it effect the strong,.. guys who hit the ‘bricks’ on the regular, swim an ocean blue and run a marathon or two.      I have seen the mature and/or elderly succumb to its call, where even their wisdom and knowledge couldn’t keep them immune to its grasp.  Maybe it is due to the fact that @ a certain age it is expected, right? But in some cases…..NOT!!! for I’ve seen some not effected at all.

           There is no discrimination of it, as it characteristically is handed down from your forefathers hereditarily and there’s not much of a cure for it,…[there are the drugs available to assist in slowing down the hair loss process], but no cure to prevent it to date. Male Pattern Baldness is the culprit, and here are some symptoms if you believe you are one of its latest victims. [scroll]
Telly Savalas
Issac Hayes

Michael Jordan
So have you let your sunroof back yet? Haha…a term 

created for that missing dome piece, circle of hair that 

starts the beginning of the loss in many [for others it 

starts creeping back from the hairLine], some seek relief 

w/ the comb-over, [an attempt to comb hair from the 

surrounding area to try to cover the missing]. Some 

choose to go bald by wearing no hair at all, a.k.a. the 

kovatis back in the day, or chrome dome in the 

vernacular, made popular by the likes of Issac Hayes in 

the 70’s, Tele Savalas [Kojak] in the 80’s, and Michael 

Jordan in the 90’s, now it has become as common as a 

wig [bloop].  One final attempt has been made in the 

form of the tup’ee, [im not quite sure why men do this, 

cause everyone usually knows that they’re sporting a 

rug, see Donald Trump]. [scroll]
Vin Diesel

Ving Rhames
There have been many to sport the BaldLook, from Vin 

Diesel, Tu Pac, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, or Ving 

Rhames …to name only a few. However, some can 

avoid this plague altogether, by being blessed with 

parents who didn’t have this trait as a problem. But for 

those of the rest???...Try some of these home remedies, 

or some or your own.You can sport your favorite team on 

your baseball cap, or maybe a nice fedora, as you get a 

consultation for hair follicle implants, or just shave it all 

off, either way… ill be seeing ya. Peaces.

Dwayne "The Rock"Johnson