Monday, August 11, 2014


JumpRope aka [SkippingRope]

Remember 3rd grade?

Remember when U first tried to jump rope?

Now remember, back-in-the-day, this was something that only my sisters did, they did it by themselves, or in 3’s [2 turners and 1 jumper], remember Double-Dutch? Again, this was another type of a jump rope game that only girls specialized in.

But that was before we started the workOut revolution [during the late 80s/early 90s]. Suddenly we began creating work out routines in all types of ways. We began running and jogging more, doing yoga and pilates more, even what has become ParKour used to just be called Follow-The-Leader. None-the-less, along with Tai Chi, and martial arts, boxing became another workout routine.

To see boys and men jumping rope, all we had to do was pop into the local gym that had a boxing program. Yes, Well it could not be denied that those boxers, [Male and Female], were in serious goodShape. So we began borrowing from their routine. Skipping rope has many health benefits, it is inexpensive to get the equipment, and no fancy gyms are required to get started. Excellent. You can pick a jumpRope at any gym equipment store, most department stores, and even some toy stores for about $5bucks +/-. 
It burns calories, provides a great cardio workout and even assist in weightLoss.

The Menzclub has been trying a few workouts in the past, and this is one that we must share. A good routine doesn’t have to be difficult; all you need to about 30mins, and you can tailor it to your skill level. You will find that it takes some coordination to get going, but after you get into a regular routine, you will able to jump nonstop for about 30 – 60 seconds, and feel the burn, lol.

Check this out: 1) jump on both feet in a slow to moderate tempo for about 10 seconds or 10 jumps. 2) then try to jump on both feet with one foot slightly ahead of the other, alternating feet while jumping for 10 seconds/jumps. 3) then try to jump on both feet from side to side in small to moderate hops for 10 seconds/jumps. Now the good stuff…4) then try to jump on one foot for about 10 seconds/jumps, then switching to the other foot for another 10 seconds/jumps. After you have mastered the 10 second/jumps rule, then go for 20 seconds/jumps, then 30 seconds/jumps, but only if you can handle it.  You will notice your breathing, calves and forearms all tightening up. 

For all you weekend workout warriors, once a week is good, 3x times a week is better, and daily for all you urban-athletes. Let us know how you feel, and keep on moving. Peaces.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -                                                             ELU

Wednesday, July 2, 2014



So dig it…I’m on the GreenLine El [elevated train], heading into downtown Chicago, when all of a sudden this mid 30s something guy start snapping his fingers and stomping his feet to a reggae rhythm, [to date I’ve never heard anyone snap their fingers louder, his snaps sounding like hand claps]. His rhymes were conscience, well spoken and either freeStyled or rehearsed sounding like a cross between Heavy D & Super Cat. Brotha was unemployed at the time, but using his street hustler skills to not only bide his time in a productive manner, but do it and entertain the riders simultaneously.

After his quick performance [about 3 mins long], he would ask the riders if they could spare some change, but preferred the type of money that folds, (lol) make a quick tour of the train car to collect his offerings, then he would come back down to the end of the car where I sat, and we started an impromptu relationship as I would catch his act probably once a week, and we would repeat our ritual. We talked politics, religion, civil rights, economics and the changing times [all those things we were told not to talk about while growing up]. I enjoyed listening to his show, and enjoyed even more our conversations.

Fast forward to NYC, M subway train rolling thru Lower Manhattan. A duo appeared, one dressed like Terrance Trent D’Arby with acoustic guitar, the other like the chubby dude from Silk [Gary Jenkins] and began singing their version of How Many Drinks by Miguel feat Kendrick Lamar. Major swag as the crooners delivered their song. The chubby guy started in on his Marvin Gaye, then parlayed into a rap aimed at a couple of cuties who were riding as well [left them blushing]. I didn’t want to listen as I had my headphones on, but after they started, I was glad I decided to give them a minute. End of show, and gathering of offerings in a hat, I had to share a word with the budding stars. Again what I appreciated most of all was their well mannered approach to dealing with strangers who become family members while trapped on a train.

This is the history of how I began critiquing street performers as some are really talented. Using this platform to share their skills with the public, I noticed they really enjoyed that moment in time that someone showed interest in them and their craft. Kudos to all of you brave souls that spread your heart, and life’s passion to the passersby hoping to catch their attention, meager offerings and admiration. Keep up the good.     
                   Be on the lookOut for music reviews coming soon………………Peaces.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

JoeTheBathroomDude: Fifth Edition

Joe    TheBathroomDude

                                                        By Kent R Burks

think about ideas,
think about events,
think about people.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Marijuana States:The State of Marijuana

Ladies and Gents;
Here is a perspective on current events from one of the menzclubs faithful members....
withOut further ado.........Mr Oliver Stone on the State of Marijuana.

What was once totally illegal; is quickly becoming the norm.
What was once stigmatized is quickly becoming mainstream.
What was once a joke has become a serious topic for discussion.
And the legalization of it.

Since Colorado has legalized the sale of marijuana, [Jan 1st, 2014], The rest of the country is looking on eagerly expecting. Many folks are opening up medical marijuana dispensary such as StarBuds. Names like Death Star/Ghost OG/Optimus Crime/White widow all designer cannabis names that can be purchased for $50 an 8th…….$600mil annually and growing. Infused edibles, how ironic that what some people are thrown in jail for, others are totally making it their legal livelihood. CASH ONLY!!!

The biggest secret of all…anybody can grow it! Not all legally, but literally money growing in your backyard. They say money doesn’t grow on “Trees”, well at least not on the kind you can’t smoke. The Cannabis industry is so lucrative, the mayor of Colorado doesn’t know what to do with all the revenue coming in.  Maybe paying off China would be a good start or some student loans, either or.  Let me ask you this, …..what wildflower can grow anywhere, can be made into oil to run cars and locomotives, paper to save millions of trees and save the earths lungs, plastics that are biodegradable and 10x stronger than steel, textiles that are superior to cotton, food that is inexpensive and can feed entire populations, concrete that is carbon negative and 7x stronger than concrete?               That’s right weed aka… Hemp!

WTF is Hemp, I Thought we was talking about that cheeba, that juju, that Dank?  Well we would never be having this weed legalization talk anyhow if it wasn’t for hemp.  See hemp looks exactly like some sour diesel to the untrained DEA eye, but if ingested by smoke it won’t get you high and will act as a laxative.  UUhh that’s sour!  So why is it illegal too then? It’s clearly not a drug, it looks like one but so does the Japanese maple tree. Well I can name at least 6 different corporate monopolies industries it would put harsh competition on, and competition is unfavorable.  Especially when regular Joe “I want to grow my own and live free from your corporate takeover” schmo can grow it in his own privacy. 

The good news is speaking of any type of cannabis legalization is moving forward to a better future. Just imagine if the DuPont’s DEA found out it can be found in breast milk (Like the kind your mom let you suck on, yea that has cannabinoids in it, the same that are found in that blunt).  There would be protests and riots on every street to fight for the right to have breast.  Or at least some enlightenment as to how our only planet recycles and reuses everything it deems useful.  With the new regulated cannabis industry showing so many good signs ($$$$$$) and zero deaths thus far, we might soon know what it feels like to not have the invisible hand of capitalism reach in our wallets (not even give us a courtesy reach around) take the necessary amount to feed the starving Federal Reserve Bank and their unfaultable industries that carry this country to a debt free paradise.
-        Oliver Stone

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tips 4 The Single Dad 1

Tips 4 The Single Dad#1

To all you single dads out there, this one is for you.

It doesn’t really matter how you became single, whether because She dumped you…She walked out and left the kids…She caught you cheating [U dirty dog].  You are the better parent, You were awarded custody as primary caregiver, JointCustody recipient, or just simply You decided to make a go of life with your own rules in your manCave, …here you are, …………a single parent in 2014.

Good 4 You!

Now, don’t go making comparisons to the fairer sex, who [by-the-way] has been putting up the highScore as single parents since way-back-when. However, your role as a provider, protector, educator, and mentor is NEVER outdated, so the menzclub would like to shine some light on all the menFolk who make it happen.

Nice job with your daily routine of rise-and-shine, breakfast, schoolPrep and AM departure. Nice job of your afterSchool pickup, homeWork assistance, snack and/or dinner prep and cleanUp. Nice job with your evening routine, nextDay prep, daysEnd routine, including auxiliary scheduled events such as movieNight, danceClass pickUp, KarateClass pickUp, musicLesson pickUp on any given night, Monday thru Sunday.

Yessir, very nice job of providing the spiritual food that your children needs, in one form or another…such a necessary part of your little ones development. And think …all of this as a single parent?  Wow, your stock just jumped chief, lol.

Many fella’s are out there making it happen, and we realize that many more need to wakeUp, showUp and growUp and start their own routines…U don’t need a Judge to tell you to take care for your responsibilities. YES, truth be told, it would be MUCH easier to keep your family together, but the reality is….more men are finding themselves in this position, and you can still make it a win-win.

Any questions?

Shoot us a line here at the menzclub. If not, be encouraged, and continue…………. 

          We leave you in patience, kindness, stern direction, love and Peaces!           

                                                                                                                                                                           -                                              -ELU

Monday, April 28, 2014

NBA Controversy



Donald Sterling, Owner NBA Los Angeles Clippers


Athletes show brotherhood support of Muhammed Ali's stand 1967.

As per ESPN:  NBA players were prepared to boycott Tuesday night's playoff games if NBA commissioner Adam Silver did not ban Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling and force him to sell his team, National Basketball Players Association first vice president Roger Mason Jr. said.
"I heard from our players and all of our players felt like boycotting the games tonight," Mason said. "We're talking about all NBA players. We're talking about the playoff games tonight."
Mason said he spoke to player representatives from every team and they were on board with the decision to boycott Tuesday's games if they weren't satisfied with the commissioner's decision. The decision would have affected Tuesday's Game 5s between the Clippers and Golden State Warriors, the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards, and the Memphis Grizzlies and Oklahoma City Thunder.
On Tuesday, Sterling was banned for life by the NBA in response to racist comments the league says he made in a recorded conversation. Silver also said he will try to force Sterling to sell the team. The owners have the authority, subject to three-quarters vote, to remove Sterling as an owner.

"I reached out to other players around the league and made it clear the players were ready to boycott the games if this type of action was not something that Adam Silver felt was necessary," Mason said. "We're happy with the decision but we're not content yet. We want immediate action. We want a timetable from the owners as far as when this vote is going to happen."


NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver


Dr Jack Ramsey.



Sunday, April 27, 2014

JoeTheBathroomDude: fourth edition.


                By Kent R Burks

U missed the bowl again??, Ur terrible at freeThrows! lol.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

"To Taste" Rhubarb Salsa

We, at the MenzClub love to experience new things, so a friend, thru a friend, thru a friend stumbled upon this tasty treat for you. If U get a chance to try it, or have tried it already....give us a shout. This one's for you, OJS.

To Taste:
by Evelyn D. Serrano

        I’m a workout snob, I have to be because I am a die hard foodie! I will spend hours in lines for a great meal. I mean, we all have to eat,.. am I right? While burrowing through the gobbledygook on the web I stumbled across a neat little channel that’s starting to gain some serious steam. A mom and daughter cooking show titled “To Taste” which shows you not only the joys of cooking but just how easy it is with just about anything. So I reached out to the creators of “To Taste” and asked to talk to the camerawoman, daughter to the star of the show Katrina Anastasia Gunia

Evelyn: Katrina, what inspired you and your Mother (Lynn Anastasia Gunia) to start a You Tube channel about cooking?
Katrina: Growing up I was usually in the kitchen with my mom and YiaYia (Grandma) watching them both cook and bake, having little jobs like pouring the milk or stirring, cracking the eggs, but when I got old enough Mom started showing me how to make certain dishes. She and I can spend hours cooking and baking together, it's something we bonded over and became very close. Then one day we had some friends and family over and they all started saying we should be on the Food Network.

Evelyn: I actually made the Rhubarb Salsa after watching the video and my husband loved it so much he immediately connected our iPad to the bottom of the cabinet as a permanent fixture so I can make more dishes from your channel.
Katrina: That’s great. Have you made any of our other dishes?

Evelyn: I made the Autumn Bisque a week ago and plan on making the Black Bean Soup tonight. Aside from being the camera woman do you have any other duties on the channel?
Katrina: I’m my Mother's sous chef. So before we start filming I help her prep whatever she needs. I always help prep food for her whether we do a video or not. 

Evelyn: Do you have any favorite dishes?
Katrina: Hard to say, but I'm in love with my Mom's Fried Chicken. 

Evelyn: And dessert?
Katrina: Wow just one? Pudding Cheese Cake, so many flavors and ways to make it. 

Evelyn: So what kind of dishes can we expect to see next? 
Katrina: We do take requests from some of my friends on Facebook, we typically try to do dishes and desserts that not a whole lot of people have heard of or dishes from other countries. There’s a chicken dish from India that we want to feature in the future.

For tasty food and easy DIY recipes be sure to check out To Taste on YouTube, by Katrina Gunia, ...Here the video to the tasty Rhubarb Salsa that drove my husband and I crazy!  

Evelyn D. Serrano: Is a 29 year old YouTube connoisseur who burrows through the gobbledygook to bring you the most precious and pleasurable videos the web has to offer.

To Lynn, to Katrina, to Evelyn, to Orlando, to Kent....The MenzClub salutes you all, and we leave you in Peaces!
                                                                                                                 -                                                        -ELU

Monday, April 14, 2014

A little more of Orlando Santiago Jr w/Ramona Simmons

Orlando Santiago Jr

The MenzClub presents: 
A little more of Orlando Santiago Jr 
with Ramona Simmons


We just can't get enuff of Orlando here at the MenzClub, we are so proud of his accomplishments and new release so we decided to give U a little more....

This time, with Ramona Simmons.

As per Ramona:

In the year 2004 when self publishing sites were just starting to hit their stride, looking to pray on the pockets of innocent writers who had no idea how to get into the world of publication Orlando Santiago Jr. took a chance on a pop up ad that appeared one ordinary day. That site, then known as Booksurge, was bought out by Amazon a few years later and a star was born. Since then he has written plenty of novels with four being sold in India, Australia and Japan.


Ramona: First I have to tell you that I am a huge fan of the Rake and Swift Killas, especially the Rake. But before we get into your latest novel, Slick, I’d like to talk about Swift Killas. Swift was a deadly Latin assassin that was involved in a lover’s triangle that spanned four novels and came to an unbelievable conclusion. A lot of people have been hoping for a ‘son of Swift’ character as badly as women have been waiting for a Rake sequel. Is Slick that sequel?


Osj: [Laughs] In a way, yes. The protagonist in Slick is learning about Swift and what his life was about and feels a sort of kinship. I even have characters cross paths with one another, Valencia Phillips meets Maryam Sousan and the protagonist meets Celena Candelario from Rogue Accord.


Ramona: Yes, Valencia Phillips interests me greatly. You have a lot of strong female characters in this novel, all ambitious in their own way from Isabel to Catalina and the sexy yet mysterious Gail that just kind of appears out of nowhere. Are any of these women real?


Osj: [Shrugs shoulders and laughs]


Ramona: Slick is very much a cross between Swift Killas and the Rake. The chapter Chase had more excitement and flare than anything I’ve read in espionage or Fifty Shades of Grey, was that intentional?


Osj:  I enjoyed writing about Detective Phillips, she’s a very complex character but I didn’t get the chance to explore her as much as I would have liked but if the book does well I think she will be as compelling a character as Maryam and Celena were in the Swift Killas series.


Ramona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?


Osj: The main character goes to prison and takes the absolute nastiest situation and turns it into the greatest opportunity ever. There’s always a silver lining and we should all strive to take the worst possible situation and make it into something positive. 


Ramona: Are the experiences in Slick based on someone you know, or events in your own life?


Osj: Pure fiction, although I do have an older brother who has done time but he’s no Bryan Devlin, though I have no doubt he’d like to be.

Ramona: Did you have someone helping you or consulting on the novel while you wrote it?


Osj: I had many meetings with a high school friend, Jose Capetillo and another high school friend whom will remain nameless.


Ramona: Is it Valencia?


Osj: To my knowledge I never went to high school with a Valencia.


Ramona: Isabel, Catalina, Maryam, Celena…Gail?


Osj: [Laughs & shrugs]


Ramona: Well Slick was an amazing read and I hope to see a series emerge. Valencia Phillips is my new girl crush and, like everyone else I know that’s read the book, I find the mysterious Gail character someone I desperately want to learn more about.


Osj: Thank you, I have more than a few ideas for a sequel and a few twits in mind for both Valencia and Gail.


Ramona: Who are your top three authors?


Osj: Maryam Sousan, author of the Last Five Minutes is my number one. A must read, I highly recommend her. Definitely Brett Battles, he has a few amazing series one of which is with a character named Jonathan Quinn. Brett Battles has created an amazing world with his books, why his writing haven’t become movies is beyond me. And…Raymond Benson who use to write the James Bond novels.


Ramona: Do you have any advice for future writers?


Osj: Always stay positive, I’ve been rejected by publishing agencies so many times. I have been told that I’d never be a real author, some of those things were told to me by teachers. So stay positive, never let anyone tell you that it can’t be done and when all else fails press on.


Ramona: Do you have anything specific that you want to tell your readers?


Osj: Yes, thank you for all your love and support. Please spread the word that Slick is out and rate it on