Monday, April 28, 2014

NBA Controversy



Donald Sterling, Owner NBA Los Angeles Clippers


Athletes show brotherhood support of Muhammed Ali's stand 1967.

As per ESPN:  NBA players were prepared to boycott Tuesday night's playoff games if NBA commissioner Adam Silver did not ban Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling and force him to sell his team, National Basketball Players Association first vice president Roger Mason Jr. said.
"I heard from our players and all of our players felt like boycotting the games tonight," Mason said. "We're talking about all NBA players. We're talking about the playoff games tonight."
Mason said he spoke to player representatives from every team and they were on board with the decision to boycott Tuesday's games if they weren't satisfied with the commissioner's decision. The decision would have affected Tuesday's Game 5s between the Clippers and Golden State Warriors, the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards, and the Memphis Grizzlies and Oklahoma City Thunder.
On Tuesday, Sterling was banned for life by the NBA in response to racist comments the league says he made in a recorded conversation. Silver also said he will try to force Sterling to sell the team. The owners have the authority, subject to three-quarters vote, to remove Sterling as an owner.

"I reached out to other players around the league and made it clear the players were ready to boycott the games if this type of action was not something that Adam Silver felt was necessary," Mason said. "We're happy with the decision but we're not content yet. We want immediate action. We want a timetable from the owners as far as when this vote is going to happen."


NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver


Dr Jack Ramsey.



Sunday, April 27, 2014

JoeTheBathroomDude: fourth edition.


                By Kent R Burks

U missed the bowl again??, Ur terrible at freeThrows! lol.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

"To Taste" Rhubarb Salsa

We, at the MenzClub love to experience new things, so a friend, thru a friend, thru a friend stumbled upon this tasty treat for you. If U get a chance to try it, or have tried it already....give us a shout. This one's for you, OJS.

To Taste:
by Evelyn D. Serrano

        I’m a workout snob, I have to be because I am a die hard foodie! I will spend hours in lines for a great meal. I mean, we all have to eat,.. am I right? While burrowing through the gobbledygook on the web I stumbled across a neat little channel that’s starting to gain some serious steam. A mom and daughter cooking show titled “To Taste” which shows you not only the joys of cooking but just how easy it is with just about anything. So I reached out to the creators of “To Taste” and asked to talk to the camerawoman, daughter to the star of the show Katrina Anastasia Gunia

Evelyn: Katrina, what inspired you and your Mother (Lynn Anastasia Gunia) to start a You Tube channel about cooking?
Katrina: Growing up I was usually in the kitchen with my mom and YiaYia (Grandma) watching them both cook and bake, having little jobs like pouring the milk or stirring, cracking the eggs, but when I got old enough Mom started showing me how to make certain dishes. She and I can spend hours cooking and baking together, it's something we bonded over and became very close. Then one day we had some friends and family over and they all started saying we should be on the Food Network.

Evelyn: I actually made the Rhubarb Salsa after watching the video and my husband loved it so much he immediately connected our iPad to the bottom of the cabinet as a permanent fixture so I can make more dishes from your channel.
Katrina: That’s great. Have you made any of our other dishes?

Evelyn: I made the Autumn Bisque a week ago and plan on making the Black Bean Soup tonight. Aside from being the camera woman do you have any other duties on the channel?
Katrina: I’m my Mother's sous chef. So before we start filming I help her prep whatever she needs. I always help prep food for her whether we do a video or not. 

Evelyn: Do you have any favorite dishes?
Katrina: Hard to say, but I'm in love with my Mom's Fried Chicken. 

Evelyn: And dessert?
Katrina: Wow just one? Pudding Cheese Cake, so many flavors and ways to make it. 

Evelyn: So what kind of dishes can we expect to see next? 
Katrina: We do take requests from some of my friends on Facebook, we typically try to do dishes and desserts that not a whole lot of people have heard of or dishes from other countries. There’s a chicken dish from India that we want to feature in the future.

For tasty food and easy DIY recipes be sure to check out To Taste on YouTube, by Katrina Gunia, ...Here the video to the tasty Rhubarb Salsa that drove my husband and I crazy!  

Evelyn D. Serrano: Is a 29 year old YouTube connoisseur who burrows through the gobbledygook to bring you the most precious and pleasurable videos the web has to offer.

To Lynn, to Katrina, to Evelyn, to Orlando, to Kent....The MenzClub salutes you all, and we leave you in Peaces!
                                                                                                                 -                                                        -ELU

Monday, April 14, 2014

A little more of Orlando Santiago Jr w/Ramona Simmons

Orlando Santiago Jr

The MenzClub presents: 
A little more of Orlando Santiago Jr 
with Ramona Simmons


We just can't get enuff of Orlando here at the MenzClub, we are so proud of his accomplishments and new release so we decided to give U a little more....

This time, with Ramona Simmons.

As per Ramona:

In the year 2004 when self publishing sites were just starting to hit their stride, looking to pray on the pockets of innocent writers who had no idea how to get into the world of publication Orlando Santiago Jr. took a chance on a pop up ad that appeared one ordinary day. That site, then known as Booksurge, was bought out by Amazon a few years later and a star was born. Since then he has written plenty of novels with four being sold in India, Australia and Japan.


Ramona: First I have to tell you that I am a huge fan of the Rake and Swift Killas, especially the Rake. But before we get into your latest novel, Slick, I’d like to talk about Swift Killas. Swift was a deadly Latin assassin that was involved in a lover’s triangle that spanned four novels and came to an unbelievable conclusion. A lot of people have been hoping for a ‘son of Swift’ character as badly as women have been waiting for a Rake sequel. Is Slick that sequel?


Osj: [Laughs] In a way, yes. The protagonist in Slick is learning about Swift and what his life was about and feels a sort of kinship. I even have characters cross paths with one another, Valencia Phillips meets Maryam Sousan and the protagonist meets Celena Candelario from Rogue Accord.


Ramona: Yes, Valencia Phillips interests me greatly. You have a lot of strong female characters in this novel, all ambitious in their own way from Isabel to Catalina and the sexy yet mysterious Gail that just kind of appears out of nowhere. Are any of these women real?


Osj: [Shrugs shoulders and laughs]


Ramona: Slick is very much a cross between Swift Killas and the Rake. The chapter Chase had more excitement and flare than anything I’ve read in espionage or Fifty Shades of Grey, was that intentional?


Osj:  I enjoyed writing about Detective Phillips, she’s a very complex character but I didn’t get the chance to explore her as much as I would have liked but if the book does well I think she will be as compelling a character as Maryam and Celena were in the Swift Killas series.


Ramona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?


Osj: The main character goes to prison and takes the absolute nastiest situation and turns it into the greatest opportunity ever. There’s always a silver lining and we should all strive to take the worst possible situation and make it into something positive. 


Ramona: Are the experiences in Slick based on someone you know, or events in your own life?


Osj: Pure fiction, although I do have an older brother who has done time but he’s no Bryan Devlin, though I have no doubt he’d like to be.

Ramona: Did you have someone helping you or consulting on the novel while you wrote it?


Osj: I had many meetings with a high school friend, Jose Capetillo and another high school friend whom will remain nameless.


Ramona: Is it Valencia?


Osj: To my knowledge I never went to high school with a Valencia.


Ramona: Isabel, Catalina, Maryam, Celena…Gail?


Osj: [Laughs & shrugs]


Ramona: Well Slick was an amazing read and I hope to see a series emerge. Valencia Phillips is my new girl crush and, like everyone else I know that’s read the book, I find the mysterious Gail character someone I desperately want to learn more about.


Osj: Thank you, I have more than a few ideas for a sequel and a few twits in mind for both Valencia and Gail.


Ramona: Who are your top three authors?


Osj: Maryam Sousan, author of the Last Five Minutes is my number one. A must read, I highly recommend her. Definitely Brett Battles, he has a few amazing series one of which is with a character named Jonathan Quinn. Brett Battles has created an amazing world with his books, why his writing haven’t become movies is beyond me. And…Raymond Benson who use to write the James Bond novels.


Ramona: Do you have any advice for future writers?


Osj: Always stay positive, I’ve been rejected by publishing agencies so many times. I have been told that I’d never be a real author, some of those things were told to me by teachers. So stay positive, never let anyone tell you that it can’t be done and when all else fails press on.


Ramona: Do you have anything specific that you want to tell your readers?


Osj: Yes, thank you for all your love and support. Please spread the word that Slick is out and rate it on

Monday, April 7, 2014

Interview with Orlando Santiago Jr

 An interview with:
Orlando Santiago Jr

…writer, author, visionary!

Mr Orlando Santiago Jr

      Ladies and gentlemen;

Stop the presses….

The Menzclub proudly presents an old friend, Creative mind, Leader and front Runner…Orlando Santiago Jr!

Orlando has stopped by to engage in manly conversation, proper guidance and direction, and to plug his latest release.

So now without further ado…Orlando Santiago Jr.

MZCB: Mr. Santiago, welcome to the Menzclub.

OSJ: Thank you!

MZCB: So, a quick intro into your world for the readers, if you don’t                                                                                   
mind, [who are you, What do you do, How many books have you written?].

OSJ: Well, my name is Orlando. I am the author of the Swift Killas series, the
Rogue Accord series and the erotica the Rake. I’ve written a total of
twenty books, four of which have been sold internationally.

MZCB: How did you get started writing?

OSJ: I’ve been writing since I could hold a crayon properly. I don’t know why it
just kind of happened that way.

MZCB: What motivates you to write?

OSJ: People, I’ll randomly strike up a conversation and then these ideas just
begin to form. It’s hard to explain, I guess random things motivate me.

MZCB: Can you speak on your greatest miss, and your greatest hit?

OSJ: The biggest miss to date was Alone: Stage One, a sci-fi trilogy that fell
short due to lack of help from my younger brother. Only fourteen copies
sold and I never did the other two. My greatest hit is a close tie
between the Swift Killas trilogy and the erotica I wrote, the Rake. But
sex and violence always sell.

MZCB: What’s next for Mr. Santiago?

OSJ: I am under a lot of pressure to write another erotica but if Slick sells then
I will write a sequel to that. I am working on a comic called Extreme
Circuit about a Space Chicken getting a job at a Circuit City styled store.

MZCB: There you have it folks….Orlando’s published works can be picked up
at Barnes and Nobles or on the MenzClub is proud to support his work, stay tuned for more...........ELU.

latest written work by OSJ

Other books by OSJ...The Rake

...and Swift Killas:The Series