Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tips 4 The Single Dad 1

Tips 4 The Single Dad#1

To all you single dads out there, this one is for you.

It doesn’t really matter how you became single, whether because She dumped you…She walked out and left the kids…She caught you cheating [U dirty dog].  You are the better parent, You were awarded custody as primary caregiver, JointCustody recipient, or just simply You decided to make a go of life with your own rules in your manCave, …here you are, …………a single parent in 2014.

Good 4 You!

Now, don’t go making comparisons to the fairer sex, who [by-the-way] has been putting up the highScore as single parents since way-back-when. However, your role as a provider, protector, educator, and mentor is NEVER outdated, so the menzclub would like to shine some light on all the menFolk who make it happen.

Nice job with your daily routine of rise-and-shine, breakfast, schoolPrep and AM departure. Nice job of your afterSchool pickup, homeWork assistance, snack and/or dinner prep and cleanUp. Nice job with your evening routine, nextDay prep, daysEnd routine, including auxiliary scheduled events such as movieNight, danceClass pickUp, KarateClass pickUp, musicLesson pickUp on any given night, Monday thru Sunday.

Yessir, very nice job of providing the spiritual food that your children needs, in one form or another…such a necessary part of your little ones development. And think …all of this as a single parent?  Wow, your stock just jumped chief, lol.

Many fella’s are out there making it happen, and we realize that many more need to wakeUp, showUp and growUp and start their own routines…U don’t need a Judge to tell you to take care for your responsibilities. YES, truth be told, it would be MUCH easier to keep your family together, but the reality is….more men are finding themselves in this position, and you can still make it a win-win.

Any questions?

Shoot us a line here at the menzclub. If not, be encouraged, and continue…………. 

          We leave you in patience, kindness, stern direction, love and Peaces!           

                                                                                                                                                                           -                                              -ELU

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