Saturday, June 14, 2014

JoeTheBathroomDude: Fifth Edition

Joe    TheBathroomDude

                                                        By Kent R Burks

think about ideas,
think about events,
think about people.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Marijuana States:The State of Marijuana

Ladies and Gents;
Here is a perspective on current events from one of the menzclubs faithful members....
withOut further ado.........Mr Oliver Stone on the State of Marijuana.

What was once totally illegal; is quickly becoming the norm.
What was once stigmatized is quickly becoming mainstream.
What was once a joke has become a serious topic for discussion.
And the legalization of it.

Since Colorado has legalized the sale of marijuana, [Jan 1st, 2014], The rest of the country is looking on eagerly expecting. Many folks are opening up medical marijuana dispensary such as StarBuds. Names like Death Star/Ghost OG/Optimus Crime/White widow all designer cannabis names that can be purchased for $50 an 8th…….$600mil annually and growing. Infused edibles, how ironic that what some people are thrown in jail for, others are totally making it their legal livelihood. CASH ONLY!!!

The biggest secret of all…anybody can grow it! Not all legally, but literally money growing in your backyard. They say money doesn’t grow on “Trees”, well at least not on the kind you can’t smoke. The Cannabis industry is so lucrative, the mayor of Colorado doesn’t know what to do with all the revenue coming in.  Maybe paying off China would be a good start or some student loans, either or.  Let me ask you this, …..what wildflower can grow anywhere, can be made into oil to run cars and locomotives, paper to save millions of trees and save the earths lungs, plastics that are biodegradable and 10x stronger than steel, textiles that are superior to cotton, food that is inexpensive and can feed entire populations, concrete that is carbon negative and 7x stronger than concrete?               That’s right weed aka… Hemp!

WTF is Hemp, I Thought we was talking about that cheeba, that juju, that Dank?  Well we would never be having this weed legalization talk anyhow if it wasn’t for hemp.  See hemp looks exactly like some sour diesel to the untrained DEA eye, but if ingested by smoke it won’t get you high and will act as a laxative.  UUhh that’s sour!  So why is it illegal too then? It’s clearly not a drug, it looks like one but so does the Japanese maple tree. Well I can name at least 6 different corporate monopolies industries it would put harsh competition on, and competition is unfavorable.  Especially when regular Joe “I want to grow my own and live free from your corporate takeover” schmo can grow it in his own privacy. 

The good news is speaking of any type of cannabis legalization is moving forward to a better future. Just imagine if the DuPont’s DEA found out it can be found in breast milk (Like the kind your mom let you suck on, yea that has cannabinoids in it, the same that are found in that blunt).  There would be protests and riots on every street to fight for the right to have breast.  Or at least some enlightenment as to how our only planet recycles and reuses everything it deems useful.  With the new regulated cannabis industry showing so many good signs ($$$$$$) and zero deaths thus far, we might soon know what it feels like to not have the invisible hand of capitalism reach in our wallets (not even give us a courtesy reach around) take the necessary amount to feed the starving Federal Reserve Bank and their unfaultable industries that carry this country to a debt free paradise.
-        Oliver Stone