Sunday, January 26, 2014

JoeTheBathroomDude webcomic first edition.



                                                    By Kent R Burks  

             The only thing worse than
             using a trashed public bathroom                                           
              is...if you don't clean up when done - the next guy thinks you’re a pig!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Your Health! by ELU

Your Health                                                 

This body does not belong to you.
 Have you ever been sitting around thinking of how uncomfortable someone has made you? or how inconvenienced someone has made you?  Have you ever complained that someone was late, skipped you in line or ignored you?  When was the last time someone brought unnecessary stress or anxiety upon you?  It can be pretty frustrating to say the least and frankly, you probably wouldn’t expose yourself to this scenario any longer than your current temperament or mood could allow, right? 

Well, what if our bodies treated us the same way? 
Reacted and responded to us the same way we would to another entity infringing on our rights to lead a healthy life?  It really just goes to show just how much our bodies do not belong to us.  When was the last time you ordered a headache?  Or could that be your brains way of saying; ”listen, I need to discuss the lack of vegetables you have coming this way”.  Or when was the last time you heard this one?.. ”Since we can’t come to an agreement about the lack of exercise, here – take this heart attack, that’ll teach ya”.  I seriously doubt the fact that when you ache, you want to, or you enjoy it.  Now there is a sector of the population that actually like pain, but even then, they don’t like it when they can’t control it.  But for the rest of the vast majority of us, if we had our way, I’m sure we wouldn’t ache at all, especially the elderly ones.

We have been put in position to service these bodies, and look after these vessels as stewards.  Just think of the way some of us treat our responsibilities to our bodies:  We drunk it, we drug it, we keep it up all night, we smoke it out, and expose it to extreme temperatures unnecessarily.  Some of us let it get so far out of shape, that we can never get it back in shape.  Then it pays us back with hangovers, dizziness and imbalance, loss of our senses, even high blood pressure and total shutdowns.  Then we wonder why we are only given roughly about 65-75 years to misuse this prized creation. 

Resolution:  start looking after yourself, and regularly get yourself examined at least once a year, [for gods sake].  I once had a good friend, who was actually old enough to be my grand dad. We were actually neighbors and we would talk about everything, I saw him regularly. One winter passed & I didn’t see him for about 3-4 months, the following spring we met up again, as he picked up caring for his home.  “Hey, Old-timer”, I said, how’s everything? I haven’t seen U in months ”.  He told me, “I’ve been sick, I have cancer”.  Although it wasn’t terminal, it was enough to slow him down & the chemotherapy was wearing him out. THE REMEDY!   “If they could have caught it earlier”, he said, “they could have cured it”.  My other eye opener came from one of my older hermanos, who had a severe case of kidney stones.  Every time he passed his fluids or even laughed hard, he said he felt like he would pass a 6month old baby, thru the front door”.  THE REMEDY!  If I had only drank more water as a youth. 

Now like never before, you should take care of your responsibilities, which includes your health.  Be good to yourself, and your self will be good to you.    


Saturday, January 11, 2014



This shout goes out to all the singleDads and other guys who are out there caring for their children and taking care of business. 

Now dig this;  we actually deserve no credit for doing what we ought to be doing in the first place, thats called MANHOOD.  But for those of us who are doing it in one way, shape , form , or fashion,  Kudos to U and keep up the good.  Ya know, fatherhood is serious business, no matter if U are watering fruit from different trees, or if you are blessed enough to have all your fruit in the same garden, and believe me - in this day and age, we need all the divine help we can get to succeed in marriage and family. None-the-less, however you arrived @ fatherhood, wear it with pride, for your role is crucial to all who are influenced by you, [and more follow you than you know]. 

Do not be misled by all the “DUNCE” roles that the head of the household has been shadowed by.  Now-a-days its not uncommon to see everyone in the pride laughing at the Lion King, as if he is nothing more than a Krusty,  Homie the clown or  pussycat.  Well all of your pains and strains haven’t fallen on deaf ears, nor go unappreciated.  You deserve recognition for changing those diapers, wiping that runny nose, taxing to and fro daycare/school and those solo doctors office visits with  your little person.
           I took my son, who at the time was 2 years old, to get shots, and the courage that he showed amazed me.  I told him;”it would hurt a little and if he needed to cry, it would be OK, but I didn't want him to cry”. I held his hand….and just after the injection, and the silly look of indifference on his face from not knowing which response was appropo, trying not to laugh I said;”did it hurt?” and after a short pause to contemplate, loud and clear he said…….”YES”! But he didn't cry.  Its these such moments that are priceless, and what fatherhood is all about. 

Some of you might feel a little sour due to all the credit and admiration that your female counterparts, [single-moms] receive when they make it happen.  Well they’ve been doing it for years, so don't keep score,  rather than wait til someone else notices, its about time you got your due. “Continue on with your successes and feel good about them, find support and camaradiere @ this weblog where your fellow MENZCLUB members are facing and overcoming the same obstacles as yourself.  Report any and every inspirational experience, taking comfort that someone understands, and will grow from your experiences”.

            MENZCLUBTHEBLOG  Salutes U! 
                                                                                                    Peaces - ELU

Saturday, January 4, 2014

An Interview with JoeTheBathroomDude!


An interview with: Joethebathroomdude.     

                                                          by Kent Burks

Ladies and gentlemen;

  The menzclub proudly presents its newest webComic member…..Joethebathroomdude.

Joe is here to make regular Sagely commentary on social etiquette, political incorrectness, and anything else happening in and around the men’s restroom, his regular perch.

           Some comments will be crude, some will be inspirational, but all will be edutainment.

So now without further ado…..Joe thebathroomdude.

MZCB:            Joe, welcome to the menzclub.

JTBRMD!:            thank you, thank you, very happy to be here.

MZCB:            so, just a quick intro into your world for your audience, if you don’t mind.

JTBRMD!:            no worries, mate. Let’s get it going.

MZCB:            ok, so how did you get started in communications?

JTBRMD!:            well, after university, I began hanging around the men’s room to get the 
                      pulse of the people, ya know? It was kind of like a visit to the barbershop                               
                      where men would discuss all the latest news, sports, and hotties, except in the   
                      men’s room…the news was real. So I began to just chill on the door of the
                      restroom to get the latest word from the grapevine, and so made it my office.

MZCB:           but men don’t really talk and hangOut in public restrooms where most are  
                      strangers. I mean, it’s not like a sportsBar.

JTBRMD!:            you’d be surprised what goes on in the old throneRoom[Water Closet,
                      Cockney, Comfort Room or Dunny to name a few]. You can actually learn a lot
                      about men, from their latrinal habits.

MZCB:            oh yeah, like what?

JTBRMD!:            well, I’m not trying to snitch, or give up any spoilerAlerts, but stay tuned,
                       and i'm sure you will all be regular followers.

MZCB:            well, there you have it people. Stay tuned for groundbreaking news, and
                       historyMaking conversations about the secrets of what’s on the minds of men
                       all over the world. Joethebathroomdude is coming to a portApotty near you.